Page 32 - Bord Bia
P. 32
a) Know Your Market
Do you know your target consumer?
Consumer ‘Immersion’.
This is a period of time spent ‘walking in the shoes’ of another person or group of people
that you want to better understand. It allows you to understand why they consume what they
consume. You can start by talking to friends, family and acquaintances. Seek out consumers
that you think will be most interested in your product and use the W5 approach to get a real
sense of who they are, what they consume, when & where they consume. Then probe them
on why they consume.
Observe shoppers, especially those who are in your target market, in the drinks aisle making
their choices. Don’t be afraid to engage with shoppers. Politely explain what you are doing and
talk to them about what made them choose a certain brand and format. You can do the same
in on-trade outlets.
Observe the behaviour of your targets from the moment they enter the bar to the order of their
irst drink of the night. This order may come from a drinks menu or from a recommendation by
bar staf.
Observe this carefully and any other subsequent drinks orders. Explore any inluences on
them such as price, promotions, word of mouth etc. The objective here is to get behind their
behaviours and fully understand their needs and wants as consumers in the drinks category.